Security Guards
We make sure that the guards we deploy to our customers meet their specific requirements. At the recruitment process, we try to ensure the quality of our guards by requiring a Neuro-Psychiatric test from only two agency-accredited clinics, not just any clinic, and by weeding out guards with below average IQs. We also oblige applicants to pass drug tests. Afterwards, we conduct pre-employment training, which is indicated to the kind of assignment for the guards. Once they have passed our recruitment, we continually develop our guards to the caliber set by our vision through holding regular refresher training courses on both general modules such moral values and attitudes and technical modules such as weapon handling and emergency situations handling.
EMIRATE together with a partner agency recently formed the Advance Education for Security Training Institute (AESTI), which is estimated to be accredited by the TESDA by second quarter of 2001. This training institute was put up in order to fulfill all the training needs of EMIRATE as assessed by its security officers and requested by its clients. This is also in line with ESMSI’s vision of becoming the top provider of security services in the country. AESTI’s line-up of instructors is some of the more well known in the security industry. Its program of instruction offers a wide range of courses from supervisory to pre-licensing that allows ESMSI to be flexible to the kind of training it needs. Courses range from the more general ones such as customer relations to the more specialized ones such as Theory and Practice of VIP Protection. AESTI facilities are located at the Laguna International Industrial Park. It has two classrooms, one office, and a spacious marching ground. Currently, a barracks for the trainee and a firing range for target practice is being constructed.
Aside from developing our people, we ensure that they are also motivated by providing the benefits due to them in a timely manner. Beyond that, during times of emergencies and crises, we provide financial aid via no-interest loans.