Radio Communications

EMME SECURITY GROUP believes that a good communications system is the key security factor in safeguarding an area. This is why ESG keeps a low guard to radio ratio. Almost all ESG handheld radios are of the top of the line brand, Motorola. ESG has two radio repeater systems (which are UHF), one located in San Mateo , Rizal to service our security units in Bulacan and Metro Manila, and one in Tagaytay City to service our security units in the CALABARZON area. We also offer mobile dual frequency (Very High Frequency[VHF]/UHF) base radios.

Type of Communication Equipment

Brand Number
of Units
 Repeater System Kenwood TKR820 2
 Base Radio
    * Mobile (w/ dual frequency)


 Hand-held Radio (UHF) Motorola 346
 Hand-held Radio (VHF)
 Base Unit (UHF) Motorola/Kenwood 19
 Base Unit (VHF) Motorola/Kenwood 15