Our Capabilities
Core competency is supplying high-performing security guards and officers providing quality security services ensured by:
* Highest hiring standards including stringent Neuro-Psychiatric Test;
* Proven performance appraisal system and Certified Security Professional (CSP) scholarship
program for officers and certified training programs for security guards conducted by the
EMME Security Group Training Center, Inc.;
* Random inspections of all detachments by our Area Inspectors and ready response to
emergency situations by our Special Action Team (SAT); and
* Comprehensive related services for the different security needs of clients including VIP Drivers
and Escorts, CCTV/Telephone Operators, Receptionists, K-9 Services, Background
Investigation, Armored Cars, Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Security Consultancy
including Security Survey and Audit, Special Training and Firearms and Ammunitions Sales.